The System Design and Management program has issued a call for challenge proposals for the core integrated team project. The team project is the cornerstone of the spring semester of SDM’s integrated core class, in which students work in teams on challenge proposals from a wide range of partners. In past years projects have been proposed by companies such as Shell TechWorks, PerkinElmer, and Honda, as well as by local governments, health care providers, and start-ups. Teams will consider the design and management of specific technologically enabled systems in depth over the course of four months, culminating in a poster session and presentations in May 2020. Sponsors of the challenge proposals work in tandem with the students, providing real-world context and reviewing the teams’ progress.
A recording of a previous information session with Ben Linville-Engler, SDM Industry and Certificate Director, is available here. There will be further online information sessions on November 13 and November 20, both from 1:00 – 2:00 PM EST, available here. To request more information about sponsoring a project, please take our survey. Interested parties can also reach out directly to Linville-Engler at